Example output from stats_regress2lines.m
corresponding with this example plot shown on the article webpage:
![[plot graphic]](output_files/page6_1.png)
Statistics for two-phase straight-line regression:
Model is two lines: y=a1*x+b1 and y=a2*x+b2, intersecting at x0.
Playing with synthetic data; true model for m=[a1,b1,a2,b2,x0] is:
5 -10 -2 168.5 25.5
Note we assume that the data noise are Gaussian with constant unknown stdev.
Known population standard deviation for synthetic true data = 10
Data sample standard deviation s computed from residuals = 7.67
Solution via two-line iterative regression for m=[a1,b1,a2,b2,x0]:
4.397 -7.551 -1.981 169.2 27.72
Associated stdevs for m=[a1 b1 a2 b2], computed from covariance matrix below:
0.2438 4.048 0.05767 3.915
Model covariance matrix for m=[a1 b1 a2 b2], computed from s and optimal G :
0.05942 -0.8261 0 0
-0.8261 16.39 0 0
0 0 0.003326 -0.2141
-0 -0 -0.2141 15.33
SStotal should equal SSmodel+SSresids, so SStotal-SSmodel-SSresids should = 0:
SStotal = 92502.012
SSmodel = 89797.4483
SSresids = 2704.5637
SStotal-SSmodel-SSresids = 6.5438e-10 <-- (consider: close enough to zero?)
Coefficient of determination R^2 = SSmodel/SStotal = 0.97076
Starting 10000 Monte Carlo runs to compute Cm (each run calls regress2lines)
10%... 20%... 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... 100%...
Full-scale Monte Carlo means for m=[a1,b1,a2,b2,x0] via 10000 fwd problem runs:
4.392 -7.524 -1.984 169.4 27.77
Associated standard deviations for m=[a1 b1 a2 b2 x0] based on cov matrix above:
0.259 4.11 0.05853 3.993 0.8273
Monte Carlo model cov matrix for m=[a1 b1 a2 b2 x0] via 10000 fwd problem runs:
0.06706 -0.8849 0.001022 -0.08132 -0.1616
-0.8849 16.89 -0.009249 0.7083 1.279
0.001022 -0.009249 0.003426 -0.2218 -0.02291
-0.08132 0.7083 -0.2218 15.95 1.782
-0.1616 1.279 -0.02291 1.782 0.6844